Friday, August 20, 2010

Le Cordon Bleu Empty Planning

We are broken into smaller groups for practicals. Eight per group divided by the 24 total Superior Cuisine students makes for three groups – A, B, and C. I belong to the later. In fact. I have always been in group C.

Groups A and B had their final exam yesterday. Poor planning by Le Cordon Bleu left my exam for Monday. Four days of wondering, stirring, and rethinking. All while my friends celebrate their victories. Unfair.

Believing things happen for a reason, I am searching for the meaning.

Saturday my brother and sister-in-law arrive into Paris. My final visit. Friends, family, and acquaintances have all breezed through during my stay. Their presence will help distract me – at least for the day before my exam.

More stir-crazy thoughts to come…


  1. Well, since you have a wait, family will fill the void well. Have a great time with them. All will be well when the ball stops rolling. Eat, drink and be merry until Monday!!

  2. A ! Good luck for the last day. You know you will succeed! Try to enjoy it all. And have a great time with the family. It's been a pleasure reading your Parisian adventures.
    All the best, Sjoerd

  3. just came across your blog - I attend LCB in Austin, TX. I have a blog but I have really neglected it lately - lol

    We have a speed drill on Friday in Garde Manger. We have 2.5 hrs to break down a whole chicken, rice pilaf, carrots dish, make cuts, mire poix, chicken stock, etc...
