Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Which Way To Go?!!?

In terms of job-hunting. Most of my time has been spent wandering New York wondering. Imagining this type of job. Or that. Dreaming about doing that for a living. Or this. There has been a lot of exploration.

At the end of each day I am more confused than before. Times when I am convinced the traditional route – restaurant kitchen – is the way to go. Only to be led to a different path in the next moment.

When I started Le Cordon Bleu. I said that I didn’t know where I wanted to go. But that I expected the answer to come. Two-thirds into it and no answer blowing in the wind.

Perhaps I need a little more patience. Or a wider mind. I’m not sure. All I know is that my anxiety level is rising each day.


  1. I have always found that things work themselves out, though it might take longer than we had hoped, prepared for, or want it to. and yes, it is anxiety provoking.

    Hang in there.

  2. That moment will come. You will be in the right place, at the right time and your training will get you in the door. It's like trolling for fish, line in the water and never knowing what you'll catch. You just need to go on trolling until it happens.

  3. I totally get where you are, Tony. And I think that these kind of things do take much longer than we hope or plan or think they will. You are on track and exactly where you need to be...you don't need to know your ultimate direction right now. Enjoy your time in Paris!
