Monday, April 12, 2010

First Family Visit

Andy and Martha Pierce win the prize. James’ father and aunt were the first family members to visit me in Paris.

The visit was long overdue. When I first met up with Martha – she arrived first – we had some coffee at my corner café. Chatted, getting caught up on all the missed news. I took her on a tour of my apartment so she could begin to conceptualize my life. We strolled my neighborhood. Caught breath-taking views of the Eiffel Tower. And, of course, ate.

Taking Martha to new neighborhoods. We ate in the 15th, Saint-Germain, and Marais. Each time sneaking in a café coffee break.

Andy and Martha spent the day walking around the city. Getting lost. Then found. After his arrival on Friday. I met Andy first thing Saturday morning for a walk to school. I wanted to show him my commute and Le Cordon Bleu. After touring LCB we took the métro to meet Martha.

We were scheduled for a 6.5 mile, 4 hour, bike tour around Paris. It started off great fun. Seeing the sites. Fed information by our tour guide. And biking. After about the fifteenth stop in two hours and having only traveled a bare mile, we decided to bail.

Leaving our bikes mid-course with our instructor, we walked through the Tuileries Gardens, across Place de Concorde, to Hôtel de Crillon’s L’Obé restaurant. And enjoyed a lovely lunch.

After digesting our salads, red mullet, sole, Opéra cake, and coffee we bid farewell and went our merry ways.

It was a short visit – a bit too short – but so wonderful. Thank you Andy and Martha for stopping to see me!

I am looking forward to more family visits. Wishing they were sooner than later.

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