Friday, May 28, 2010

Le Cordon Bleu - Intermediate Practical Exam

Ok Neptune. Today is D-Day. And I’m not referring to 1944.

In less than eight hours Intermediate Cuisine will be officially over.

I have spent the last two weeks practicing dishes. Reviewing notes. And talking sequence with my friends. Of the ten possible dishes there is only one that I want to avoid. The others? I am ready to attack.

The nerves have stayed at bay for the most part. Slightly twitching last night before bed. But a quick review and chat with James focused my thoughts and sent me happily off to sleep.

Unfortunately my exam doesn’t begin until 12:50 p.m. So I have the morning to stew.

Leaving excessively early tomorrow for New York – a well deserved two week visit with James. I purposefully have not packed or vacation-readied the apartment. Tasks I plan on attending this morning to busy the mind.

I have received many good lucks and best wishes. Thank you friends and family for all your continued support and enthusiasm. Leaning on this to get me through the day.

Scheduled to present my final dish at 3:20 p.m. Followed by celebrations with my fellow students. I will sneak a quick note to you before my Parisian departure. Then it’ll be States-side writing.

[Confident Nod] [Deep breath] One. Two. Three. Here we go!

1 comment:

  1. “Yes, we can believe in a skinny cook,
    Tony the best chef in town!”

    I have faith in you, Tony.
