Saturday, January 9, 2010

Le Cordon Bleu - Uniform

Our uniform, as explained by Chef Stril, is very important. Each item has a purpose.

Chef hat - retains hair and sweat.

Neckerchief - protects the neck when moving from hot to cold environments, splashes, and retains sweat.

Chef coat - like the entire uniform, is made of cotton – a material that will not stick to skin, but breaths.

Chef pants – protects the legs

Apron – additional protection to the legs for splashes and spills. Also is a place to wipe hands.

Tea towel – used for grabbing hot pan handles, bringing things in and out of the oven, and for traction when pulling on things. This is never used for wiping your hands.

Kitchen shoes – non-slip, steel toed shoes. This protects the toes when pots are dropped or when you stub your foot on a corner. The non-slip is to prevent falling in a kitchen which can have wet or greasy floors.

Each class (instruction or practical) begins with a uniform inspection. They must be complete, clean, and ironed. No exceptions.

Only a portion of the uniform is worn during instruction. Chef coat, pants, and kitchen shoes.

Here is a close up of the arm pocket.

When we are in the kitchen during praticals the full uniform is required.

Here is a close up of the neckerchief and chef’s hat.


  1. out Tyler Florence...there's a new hot chef in town. Keith

  2. Aha! Careful Mr. Fassio certain people may be watching. Vee know your student number from careful observation of the photos that YOU post on your blog. Your number is XXX080. Imagine what some nefarious person would be able to do with this information!
    Consider yourself warned.
    Love, Natasha & Boris

  3. you've got the neck tie DOWN! I suppose being a man and being used to them has its perks!

  4. You look great Tony, wow! Thank you for keeping us to escape to Paris each time I read your blog. :)
