Friday, November 6, 2009

My Itinerary

December 30, 2009
- Depart US for Paris

December 31, 2009
- Arrive Paris; New Year’s Eve in Paris; Move into Apartment

January 5, 2010
- Begin Le Cordon Bleu, Level 1: Basic Cuisine

March 19, 2010
- End Level 1: Basic Cuisine

March 22, 2010
- Begin Level 2: Intermediate Cuisine

June 4, 2010
- End Level 2: Intermediate Cuisine

June 5 – 13, 2010

June 14, 2010
- Begin Level 3: Superior Cuisine (no more English translation)

August 26, 2010
- End Level 3: Superior Cuisine; Official Le Cordon Bleu Graduation

August 31, 2010
- Move out of Apartment; Depart Paris for US

I will be spending most of my free time during the program getting to know Paris and traveling to the surrounding French cities. I am looking forward to traveling to the nearby countries (Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany) over long weekends or when my days off coincide in a row. I haven’t quite decided how I am going to spend my long break in June, but I am leaning towards Spain, Portugal, and Italy. As for the States, I am planning on meeting James in NYC in March to go apartment hunting.

James will be going with me in December/January to get me set up and drop me off. His only other visit to France will be in June some time after he graduates.

With whatever balance of free time I have in Paris I am planning on taking a language course, LCB’s wine pairing course, and volunteering with LCB for catering events. Plus I am sure when I get in the city and start to live my life new events, hobbies, and experiences will present themselves. Have you been thinking about a European trip? Next year is the time…I welcome many and all visitors. Please come and see me!


  1. you are quite a planner - n'est-ce pas?

  2. I can't believe that I just stumble across a classmate on the internet!
    I too will be attending the session starting from Jan.05 2010 . = )

  3. You shouldn't encourage us to visit...........

  4. New Year's Eve in Paris! I will want to hear about that and not just the moving in part!
