What will the proteins be? Will there be side requirements? I wonder if we’ll get fruit.
Every student has an opinion. On everything. Why this and not that. We all fall into a tizzy of speculation.
Then all is revealed. With great pomp and circumstance the administrative office walks into a random instruction. Pile of paper in hand.
Sweat starts to form on our brows. Some can’t resist and blurt out, pass them around already. It gets wild. And finally. The master secret is in hand.
Required items listed. Followed by supplementary ingredients. Must dos and can’t wants are also scribed. Ceasing mystery in an instant.
The brain shifts from guesswork. To possibilities. Running the gamut from pasta. To jelly. To stuffed. To decomposed. To puréed. For the next two weeks the ideas flow. Slow at first.
Later hemorrhaging uncontrollably. What may look like a mess, is indeed, art in action.
The menu starts to fall in place. After some trial and error – mainly error – an organized sequence begins to form.
Two weeks have passed and our dry-run atelier is coming up. By this point – whether ready or not – your list, recipes, and plating ideas need to be finished.
Through the atelier you learn a great deal about your menu. Wondering, where did that stupid idea come from? To, shear brilliance! Working the kinks out. Refinement derives from the chef’s feedback.
With the atelier’s input, it’s back to the drawing board – more like the revision board. Tweak here. Adjust there. Practice this. And scrap that. For 10 days until the final exam.
Things begin to take a more professional shape. Detailed timelines. And completed plating.
With the atelier’s input, it’s back to the drawing board – more like the revision board. Tweak here. Adjust there. Practice this. And scrap that. For 10 days until the final exam.
Things begin to take a more professional shape. Detailed timelines. And completed plating.
Plan your work, work your plan.