Thursday, March 25, 2010


I’ll skip the clichés about how fast time is passing. Or that the journey is 90% of life. And I will also refrain from talking about something typical. Like two stones. The potential of lemons. Or a man learning to fish.

Rather. I’ll take the plateau cliché approach. A plateau that’s followed by an incline.

In every experience, educational endeavor, or life moment there comes a plateau. A period when the learning curve flattens. Mundane-ness unearths. And confusion – or second-guessing – streaks through the mind.

Historically, this has been a time when I would lose interest in my commitment at hand. And press on with life. It was a period that I disliked – thinking I was no longer learning – and would rid as fast as possible. Yes. This is when Anthony used to seek new opportunities.

Having waded through one or two plateau moments. However. I have realized that something greater occurs. Flattened learning-curves indicate expertise maturity. Mundane-ness is practice for the arrival of perfection. And confusion is artless reassurance of the chosen focus.

Naturally, frustration is bubbling inside as my life-Paris-LCB-experience calms. In the beginning, everything was a mind-blowing experience. Now. School is predictable. Social networks have settled. And life in France is commonplace.

So. These days. I am reminding myself to simply sit through it and prepare for the next rise.

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