Sunday, December 27, 2009

My Favorite Food Things - Day #28 - Dislikes

In my thirty years there has only been one thing that I had to spit out. Only one taste that I couldn’t stomach – natto.

Natto is a Japanese dish made with fermented soybeans. The fermentation process makes the soybeans taste rancid with disgusting bacteria. Also, fermentation makes the soybeans incredibly sticky. Eating natto, which traditionally is accompanied by white rice, is an acquired practice. The stickiness makes it almost impossible to break the clinging strings that connect your chopsticks to the bowl. Check it out.

I’m not sure what turned my stomach first; the smell, taste, or frustration of this dish, but I can never go back. Since I was in Japan when I tried natto for the first (and only) time, I like to think that it can’t get any better – so why try again?

Yuk! Never again.

1 comment:

  1. Tony, thanks for not posting what the guy in the video compared it to . . . SNOT. Gross! Thanks for alerting me to something I will not try when offered.
