Thursday, December 24, 2009

My Favorite Food Things - Day #25 - Bread

As an Italian, whenever I am sitting down to a meal you can bet that I’ll have a piece of bread in my left hand. It’s just how you eat in my family.

So what is my favorite type of bread? I am not sure on the specific name, but I do know what it looks and tastes like.

Crusty outer layer – and I mean crusty. Hard as can be. The type of layer that just explodes with crumbs when you bite into it (and often scraps the roof of your mouth). A hint of salt and an overwhelming flavor of ‘bread.’

Soft and fluffy center. So airy that if you roll it between your fingers it reverts back to dough. Just waiting to sop up any sauce, drippings, or juices that may have escaped onto the plate. Sometimes a bit of tang from sour cream and other times only a butter flavor prevails.

I have seen the Italians, the French, the Swiss, and even the Mexicans bake such bread. Luckily, there is a lot of this bread out there – just waiting for my left hand.

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