Friday, January 1, 2010

Bonne Année

I was asleep – not sure if it was it was a nap or my night’s sleep, the jet-lag is still with me. But, I was awakened by a sparkling light and cheers of jubilation.

The sparkling, of course, was from the Eiffel Tower which can be seen from my apartment windows. And the cheering was Paris welcoming 2010.

Happy New Year! I hope to catch some of my American readers before their new year settles into their homes – Best of Happiness in this New Year!

The direct flight from SLC to CDG was so easy. All 9 hours and 45 minutes ‘flew’ by (no pun intended) with eating, sleeping, and day dreaming.

When the rest of the aircraft was restlessly sleeping I was gazing into the darkness thinking about my time to come. I anticipated my arrival into Paris. Thought about what I would say to the cab driver – beginning to panic that I had forgotten the conjugation of aller. I thought about meeting my landlord and seeing the apartment for the first time. I contemplated what the first day of school would be like.

Above all, I felt peaceful. Happy that this moment finally arrived. Ready to begin 2010 full speed ahead.

This is what New Year's in Paris usually looks like. This year, however, the city has been blanketed with fog. Here is the picture from my apartment window - can you make out the Eiffel Tower sparkling?

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you and all the wonderful adventures in your future!
