Sunday, October 11, 2009

Bonjour et Bienvenue!

Welcome to my blog, but more deeply, welcome to my adventure. In only 80 days I will be moving to Paris to live out a long time coming goal of mine...I will be attending Le Cordon Bleu (LCB) for culinary school. For eight months I will train under some of the best, and most rigorous, chefs of France. When all is finished I will receive a DiplĂ´me de Cuisine.

Many of my friends and family have been asking about this blog and whether or not it would ever come to be, and so here it is! The complete concept of this blog is still formulating in my head, but the foundational purpose is to communicate with you. I plan on communicating my worries, stresses, and confusion of the next 80 days as I get ready for my departure. I hope to share some special moments as my Paris life begins to lay itself in place. I aspire to motivate you to cook and to eat well from my training at LCB. Finally, I want nothing more than for you and me to 'virtually bond' via my blog.

So my introduction and welcome are completed. Over the next few weeks I will share the story of my lead up to this moment.

...and we're off!


  1. Tony, I am so excited to read this blog and to live vicariously through you as you attend LCB!

  2. Go Tony-chan! we're rooting for you :)-emi v mia rei

  3. I get to live vicariously through you as you cook the most wonderful things!! I probably wouldn't eat most of them but i love to look, listen and I can smell with my imagination. smellivision on the web is there? 80 days will go quickly but I'm sure all will go as smoothly as possible. I can't wait to hear what paris is like. I see pics during the Tour de France and Lance was there ysterday sending pics but your descriptions will be enjoyed immensly. I hope we are to gets pics as well!! I will look forward to it all. Thanks for inviting me along!!
